Hard Market Lesson – Never Stop Prospecting, Shoptalk Episode #148

Hard Market Lesson - Never Stop Prospecting

In this episode of Shoptalk, David Carothers emphasizes the importance of prospecting in the current busy market, highlighting how neglecting it can lead to a lack of organic opportunities in the pipeline. He argues that prospecting should never be abandoned, even when inbound leads are abundant, to ensure agencies are writing the types of policies they want and can control their direct carriers.

Key Points:

Importance of prospecting in insurance sales despite busy periods

  • David Carothers thanks sponsors for supporting producers in paradise, highlighting IPFS’s leadership.
  • David Carothers argues that agencies should prioritize prospecting new business, even when inbound leads are flowing.
  • He believes that relying solely on inbound leads can lead to a lack of foundation and pipeline in the future.

Prioritizing inbound vs outbound leads in insurance agencies

  • David Carothers argues that relying solely on inbound leads can lead to wasted time and effort.
  • He suggests prioritizing prospecting to secure the business agencies want.
  • David Carothers describes offshore fishing trip, including bait fishing techniques.

Fishing and the importance of efficient prospecting in the hard market

  • David Carothers shares his fishing experience and its relevance to insurance agencies in the hard market.
  • He emphasizes the importance of prospecting and hitting KPIs in the industry.

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David Carothers

Kyle Houck

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