Boosting Commercial Insurance Sales with Retargeting, Video Proposals, and Content Marketing

Commercial Insurance

The commercial insurance landscape is competitive, and converting cold traffic into leads—and eventually closed deals—is often a major challenge for producers. Traditional sales techniques still play a vital role, but the introduction of digital marketing strategies such as retargeting, video proposals, and content marketing has revolutionized how we attract and engage prospects. These modern techniques not only enhance lead generation but also ensure a stronger connection with potential clients throughout the sales cycle.

In this post, we’ll explore how leveraging these strategies can help commercial insurance producers drive more sales, improve client engagement, and build long-lasting relationships.

The Power of Pixel Tracking and Retargeting

What is Pixel Tracking?

Pixel tracking is a fundamental tool in the digital marketing toolbox, especially when it comes to insurance marketing. A pixel is a small piece of code placed on your website that tracks visitor behavior, collecting valuable data on who is visiting your pages and what actions they take.Platforms like Facebook and Google allow you to use this data to build custom audiences based on specific behaviors, such as visiting certain pages or abandoning forms.

For commercial insurance producers, this is a game-changer. With pixel tracking, you can create highly targeted marketing campaigns, ensuring that your ads reach prospects who have already shown interest in your services. For example, if a prospect visits your website’s page on workers’ compensation insurance, you can serve ads specifically related to that product to keep your agency top of mind.

How Retargeting Increases Conversion Rates

Retargeting is a method that allows you to stay in front of prospects who have already visited your website. This strategy can be used to remind them of your services, answer additional questions, or even present them with an irresistible offer.

Why does retargeting work so well in commercial insurance marketing? When someone visits your site but doesn’t convert, it’s likely that they’re still in the research phase. By retargeting them with ads, you’re maintaining visibility during the time they are comparing options or considering your competitors. This continuous exposure can help push them to take action, whether it’s requesting a quote or scheduling a call.

Retargeting is particularly effective for longer sales cycles—such as those often seen in the middle market insurance industry—where prospects need time to make decisions. By ensuring that your agency remains in front of the prospect with timely, relevant content, you greatly improve your chances of closing the deal.

Best Practices for Retargeting Campaigns

While retargeting is a powerful tool, it needs to be executed thoughtfully to avoid overwhelming prospects. Here are some best practices to follow:

Segment Your Audiences: Instead of retargeting all website visitors with the same message, create segments based on behaviors, such as those who visited specific service pages or who abandoned forms.

Offer Value: Don’t just push Instead, offer value through educational content, such as blog posts, webinars, or case studies that address the prospect’s pain points.

Time Your Ads: Set your campaigns to run at strategic times when prospects are most likely to engage. For example, if your data shows that your ideal prospects shop for insurance during business hours, schedule your ads to run during that period.

By using pixel tracking and retargeting effectively, you can dramatically reduce your cost per acquisition while improving conversion rates. These methods help keep your agency front and center, ensuring that prospects don’t forget you in favor of a competitor.

Commercial Insurance

Video Proposals: Closing the Gap in the Sales Process

Why Video Proposals Work

One of the most effective ways to set your agency apart is by utilizing video proposals. Unlike traditional email or phone communication, video proposals provide a visual and interactive way to explain complex insurance products, helping prospects better understand the value of your offerings.

Video proposals work because they create a more personal connection with the client, allowing you to explain policies clearly and address any objections they might have upfront. Additionally, they cater to the growing preference for video content, which is rapidly becoming the dominant medium for online consumption.

For example, using tools like QuoteVids, you can create customized video proposals that break down coverage options side-by-side, showing prospects exactly what they’re getting. This approach not only enhances client engagement but also builds trust, making it easier to close deals. Moreover, video proposals make it easier to present alternatives and upsell additional coverages such as cyber liability insurance or professional liability insurance.

Creating Impactful Video Proposals

To create an effective video proposal, follow these steps:

  1. Keep it Concise: Ensure your proposal is long enough to cover the important details but short enough to hold the prospect’s Aim for videos between 5 and 10 minutes.
  2. Use Clear Visuals: Utilize visuals such as charts or coverage comparisons to help explain complex insurance policies. For example, show the differences between various coverage tiers and explain why a more comprehensive option may be the best choice for their business.
  3. Personalize the Message: Address the prospect by name and reference their specific business or industry. This shows that you understand their unique needs and are providing a tailored solution.
  4. End with a Call to Action: Make sure to include a clear next step, such as scheduling a follow-up call, providing documentation, or completing an online form.

How Video Proposals Enhance Client Engagement

When a prospect receives a video proposal, they aren’t just reading another email—they’re experiencing a visual presentation that makes it easier to absorb the information. The engagement levels are higher, and the likelihood of moving forward in the sales process increases significantly.

Another benefit is that you can track when and how prospects interact with your video. Tools like QuoteVids notify you when a prospect has viewed the video, giving you the opportunity to follow up while the interest is fresh. You can also set video proposals as landing pages for ad campaigns or retargeting efforts, giving prospects a seamless experience from ad to proposal.

Commercial Insurance

Leveraging Content Marketing for Long-Term Success

Why Content Marketing Matters in Commercial Insurance

Trust is everything. One of the best ways to build trust with prospects is by consistently providing valuable information through content marketing. By creating blog posts, whitepapers, or videos that answer common questions, explain insurance products, or offer solutions to industry-specific problems, you position yourself as an expert in the field.

For example, a long-form blog post on “Risk Assessments and Hazard Identification” could provide valuable insights for business owners looking to mitigate risks, helping you establish authority in your niche. Additionally, content marketing plays a key role in search engine optimization (SEO), driving organic traffic to your website and increasing your visibility in search results.

Types of Content to Create

To succeed with content marketing, diversify the types of content you create to appeal to different segments of your audience. Here are some ideas:

  1. Long-Form Blog Posts: Write in-depth articles on topics such as risk management, industry regulations, or specific insurance coverages like cyber insurance. These posts will not only serve your existing clients but also attract prospects looking for detailed
  2. Case Studies: Highlight successful outcomes you’ve achieved for clients, showing how your agency helped them save money, improve coverage, or mitigate risks.
  3. Educational Videos: Create short educational videos that explain key insurance concepts in a way that’s easy to understand. Post these on your website, social media, and YouTube to maximize reach.
  4. Infographics: Visual content like infographics is highly shareable and can be an effective way to explain complex concepts in a simple, engaging format.

Real-Life Examples: Content That Converts

One powerful example comes from an insurance agency that saw more conversions from a single long-form blog post than from paid traffic campaigns. The blog post, focused on the benefits of personal umbrella insurance, provided prospects with detailed information and answered their key questions. Because the content was both educational and engaging, readers were more likely to convert into leads by filling out forms or requesting quotes.

Additionally, remarketing campaigns based on content engagement allow agencies to continue nurturing leads long after they’ve read a blog post or viewed a video. For instance, if a visitor reads a blog about workers’ compensation insurance, retarget them with ads that offer a free risk assessment or personalized quote.

Commercial Insurance

Integrating CRM and Automation Tools for Lead Nurturing

Why Speed Matters: Following Up with Leads

One of the recurring themes in commercial insurance sales is the importance of speed. The faster you follow up with a lead, the higher the chances of conversion. This is where CRM systems and automation tools come into play.

With automation, you can ensure that a lead never falls through the cracks. For example, when a prospect fills out a form on your website, they can immediately receive an automated email thanking them and offering to schedule a consultation. However, as pointed out during the call, it’s important not to over-automate the process, as this can make interactions feel impersonal.

Using Automation Without Over-Automating

Automation is essential for efficiency, but the key is finding the right balance. Here are some tips for using automation effectively:

  • Personalize Automated Emails: Use data from your CRM to insert personalized details into your emails, such as the prospect’s name or specific services they inquired about.
  • Use Timely Triggers: Set up triggers based on specific actions taken by the prospect, such as visiting your quote page or downloading a This ensures your follow- ups are relevant and timely.
  • Add a Human Touch: While automation is great for initial contact, ensure that human follow-up happens shortly after. A personal phone call or email can make all the difference in closing the deal.

By integrating CRM systems and automation tools into your sales process, you can ensure that every lead is nurtured appropriately and that no opportunity is missed.


As digital marketing continues to evolve, it’s clear that tools like pixel tracking, retargeting, video proposals, and content marketing are essential for commercial insurance producers. These strategies not only help attract more leads but also keep them engaged through personalized and valuable content.

However, the success of these digital efforts ultimately depends on having a strong sales process in place. By combining modern marketing techniques with efficient lead follow-up and personalized communication, commercial insurance producers can gain a competitive edge and close more deals.

Ready to take your digital marketing efforts to the next level? Start by implementing these strategies and watch how they transform your lead generation and conversion rates.


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