Leveraging Life Insurance as a Conversation Starter for Commercial Prospects


In the commercial insurance industry, agents often overlook the potential of life insurance. Yet, life insurance plays a crucial role in ensuring business continuity and protecting the interests of business owners. This year, at Producers in Paradise, Erik Sjolie, a seasoned life insurance professional, shared his insights on how to effectively present life insurance to commercial clients. This blog post covers the key points from that discussion, providing a comprehensive guide for commercial insurance agents to understand and articulate the value of life insurance.

The Value Proposition of Life Insurance for Commercial Clients

Understanding the Value

Life insurance offers a unique value proposition in the realm of commercial insurance. It safeguards businesses from financial disruptions caused by the death of key personnel or business owners. This protection, often termed as “missing money,” can be critical in maintaining business operations. Erik Sjolie emphasized that many agents fail to offer life insurance because they find it complex or uncomfortable to discuss. However, the real complexity lies in the consequences of not having this essential coverage, especially highlighted during the COVID-19 pandemic when business vulnerabilities became starkly apparent.

Articulating the Value Proposition

To effectively communicate the importance of life insurance, agents need to focus on key benefits. Statistics reveal that 51% of Americans have some form of life insurance, yet this number has declined from 62% a decade ago. This drop indicates a significant need for better education and advocacy. Common misconceptions, such as the perceived high cost and complexity of life insurance, can be dispelled by providing clear, factual information. Highlighting how life insurance can seamlessly integrate into existing financial plans can make a compelling case for business owners.

Initiating the Conversation

Finding the Right Moment

Identifying the right moment to introduce life insurance is crucial. The pandemic has made business owners more aware of their vulnerabilities, making it an opportune time to discuss life insurance. Situations such as business expansion, new partnerships, or significant changes in business structure also provide natural entry points for this conversation.

Effective Questioning Techniques

Starting the conversation can be as simple as asking pertinent questions. Erik shared a powerful example where a simple query about a client’s Buy Sell agreement led to the discovery of outdated and insufficient life insurance coverage. Questions like “Do you have a Buy Sell agreement in place?” and “When was it last reviewed?” can uncover critical gaps and initiate a productive dialogue.

Overcoming Awkwardness

Many agents feel awkward discussing life insurance. However, as Erik pointed out, addressing these concerns head-on is far less uncomfortable than explaining to a client’s family why their business was not protected. Building confidence through empathy and understanding client needs can turn these conversations into opportunities for trust and long-term relationships.


Practical Applications and Scenarios

Buy Sell Agreements

A Buy Sell agreement is essential for business continuity. It outlines what happens if a business owner passes away, ensuring the business remains operational. Proper funding of these agreements through life insurance is crucial. Regular reviews, ideally every three to four years, ensure the coverage remains adequate as the business grows. Erik highlighted a case where a 13-year-old agreement was critically underfunded, illustrating the need for periodic reassessment.

Key Person Insurance

Identifying and insuring key personnel is another critical application of life insurance. Key person insurance provides financial support to the business if essential employees, whose absence could jeopardize operations, pass away. This type of policy not only protects the business but also provides peace of mind to employees, knowing their roles are valued and secured.

Succession Planning and Executive Bonus Plans

Life insurance also plays a vital role in succession planning and executive retention. Succession planning ensures a smooth transition of ownership, while executive bonus plans, often termed “Golden Handcuffs,” incentivize key employees to stay with the company. These strategies use life insurance to provide financial security and benefits, making the business more attractive to top talent.

Integrating Life Insurance into Your Agency

Building Partnerships

Partnering with reliable life insurance providers can enhance an agency’s offerings. Erik’s firm, for example, acts as an integrated part of an agency, providing seamless service under the agency’s brand. This approach ensures clients receive consistent, high-quality service without feeling like they are being handed off to a third party.

Positioning Life Insurance as Part of Your Offerings

Presenting life insurance as a natural extension of your services can make it more appealing to clients. Rather than treating it as an add-on, integrate it into your standard offerings. This can be achieved by educating clients about the importance of comprehensive coverage that includes life insurance.

Case Study: Successful Integration

Erik shared a case study where an agency significantly increased its revenue by incorporating life insurance into its services. By identifying gaps in clients’ coverage and providing tailored life insurance solutions, the agency not only boosted its bottom line but also enhanced client satisfaction and loyalty.


Tools and Resources

Educational Resources for Agents

Providing agents with training materials and courses on life insurance is crucial for building confidence and expertise. Utilizing software and tools for quotes and policy management can streamline the process and make it more efficient.

Client Education

Educating clients about life insurance can be done through informative content such as articles, FAQs, and explanatory videos. Clear, accessible information helps demystify life insurance and highlights its importance.

Support and Consultation

Offering one-on-one consultations for complex cases ensures clients receive personalized advice tailored to their unique needs. Ongoing support further strengthens client relationships and ensures their coverage remains relevant and adequate.


Life insurance is an essential component of comprehensive business protection. By understanding and articulating its value, initiating meaningful conversations, and integrating it into your agency’s offerings, you can significantly enhance your service to clients. Encouraging agents to adopt these practices will not only benefit their clients but also drive revenue growth and client retention for the agency.


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