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What is Evergreen Content?

Ever since this whole coronavirus thing started, I have been preaching, preaching, and creating evergreen content for all of you. I suddenly realized I haven’t bothered to tell you what that is. Today’s post is about precisely what evergreen content is.
So, you’ve heard me use the term several times for the last little bit, evergreen content, and I’ve never stopped to think about the fact that you may not know what that is. Here’s the deal. If you’re going to spend time producing content right now, while everybody is down due to the Coronavirus, it needs to be something that’s going to benefit you for the long term.
Here’s a newsflash, people. We’re all sick and tired of hearing about Corona. Nobody cares anymore, yet every time you get on a social media platform, that’s what we’re vomiting all over the place. This phenomenon goes back to the problem addressed a decade ago in the book Marketing 2.0 by my good friend Bernie Borges. The problem is that we are shouting to our audience what we want them to hear and not listening to what they want to hear.
Everybody is tired of Corona, so don’t spend any time creating content around that because it’s probably going to be utterly irrelevant in the foreseeable future. Instead, think about the questions that you get asked every single day and answer those. Things like what is co-insurance? What is a time element deductible? What is my experience mod? Those are questions that business owners and decision-makers will be typing into Google for years to come.
If you want to take advantage of all that’s going on right now, especially the downtime, focus on content that will last you for your career. Don’t waste time on the sensationalism. You might be getting post views, but you’re not getting business from it. I would submit that not a single agent out there has gotten an account because they posted the most recent information on the Coronavirus.
Should we be communicating that to our clients? Absolutely. It would be best to have an email campaign that gives them updates every day or every couple of days. Reserve social media to differentiate yourself, and right now, that’s as simple as posting something other than Corona material. If you can get disciplined, if you can create evergreen content that will last you for your career, you’re going to kill it in commercial insurance.